What if You Could Step Off the Endless Treadmill of Overwhelm and Burnout and Reconnect with Your Creative Passions

Time Devotion™ helps you break free from the myths of productivity and linear time, reclaim your energy, and flow in alignment with your true purpose

— all in just a few minutes a day.

Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™


What if You Could Step Off the Burnout Machine and Take Back Your Time on Your Terms?

Time Devotion is here to help you reclaim your rhythm from the grind of late-stage capitalism and the myths of hustle culture. Reconnect with your energy and flow in alignment with your true purpose — all in a few minutes a day.

Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™
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Devote Time to what truly matters.

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"If I just push harder, I’ll get my passion and energy back."

When you feel disconnected from your

Time, Energy or Creativity...

"If I just push harder,

I’ll get my passion and energy back."

When you’re disconnected from Time, Energy, or Creativity, no amount of grit or forcing through will sustain you.

The pressure to be productive, creative, and present all at once has left us exhausted. It can be hard to pinpoint exactly why we’re feeling stuck and burned out.

In reality, you don’t need to push harder; you need a way to reconnect with your Time, Energy, and Creativity in a way that works for you, not against you.

The root of the issue usually boils down to one of these three problems:

Problem No 1


We’re caught in a scarcity mindset when it comes to time — always feeling like there’s never enough of it to go around. We rush from task to task, constantly feeling behind, and no matter how hard we try to "manage" our time, it always feels like we’re racing the clock.

Problem No 2


Even if we manage our time well, our energy is another story. We’ve tackled scheduling our day, but we're constantly running on empty, unsure of how to replenish ourselves. Life’s demands take their toll, leaving us exhausted and uninspired, with little energy left for our creative work or passions.

Problem No 3


Let’s say we’ve reclaimed some time and energy — yet something still feels off. Our creative flow just isn’t showing up. We sit down to work on our projects, but the inspiration is gone, and we can’t seem to get into that effortless state where everything clicks.

You're probably saying, “Okay, Ixchel, but how is this any different from what I’ve tried before?”

How do we devote time to what truly matters? Here’s the real issue: most people are trying to control Time and their energy, but they’re focusing on systems that are designed for external productivity, not inner alignment.

99.9% of the tools out there try to optimize your workday without considering your relationship to Time as an ally — or the way your body works in sync with it.

And most of the planners, schedules, and focus techniques for success are based on linear thinking, not the cyclical, natural flow of your life. The real problem isn’t managing time — it’s your relationship with it. When we force Time into rigid structures, we disconnect from ourselves and what truly matters.


Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™

This approach is so different from anything else. It helped me break free from the guilt of not doing enough and focus on what really matters.

- Taylor

I used to struggle with feeling overwhelmed by everything on my plate, and Time Devotion™ completely changed how I approach my days.Now I feel aligned with my purpose and energized to create.

- Rosa

What if, instead of forcing your day into a mold, you could attune to the natural rhythms that already exist within and around you?

You want to create, lead, and make a difference, so…

Renew your devotion to Time by honoring its sacredness and aligning it with your passions and purpose (without resorting to rigid systems or tools that feel disconnected from your values).

Renew your devotion to Time by honoring its sacredness and aligning it with your passions and purpose (without resorting to rigid systems or tools that feel disconnected from your values).

Reclaim your energy by tuning into your body’s natural rhythms and regenerating your creative flow (instead of pushing through burnout and stress).

Reclaim your energy by tuning into your body’s natural rhythms and regenerating your creative flow (instead of pushing through burnout and stress).

Cultivate a sense of ease and connection so you can move through your day with Flow and presence (without needing external hacks or quick fixes that only leave you drained).

Cultivate a sense of ease and connection so you can move through your day with Flow and presence (without needing external hacks or quick fixes that only leave you drained).

There is a soulful approach to reclaiming your relationship with Time and reigniting your creativity — without rigid schedules or forcing productivity.

Whether you're at the start of a new chapter or deep into your leadership journey,

this framework adapts to you.


You need a way to renew your devotion to Time, allowing it to become a friend rather than a force to be controlled.

By tuning into Time’s natural rhythms, you can release the pressure of scarcity and honor your day as it unfolds, creating space for both rest and creation.


You need to recognize and nurture your energy cycles.

This means deeply listening to your body, understanding when you’re naturally most creative or productive, and honoring those cycles. Instead of pushing through, you can trust your body’s wisdom to guide you toward inspired action, creating more meaningful work without burnout.


You need to flow with your creative energy rather than trying to control or structure it.

Creativity isn’t something you can force into boxes. When you create space for unstructured play, exploration, and deep listening, you invite breakthroughs and inspiration that feel aligned with your purpose.


When you embrace Time as your ally, listen to your body’s rhythms, and flow with your creative energy, you become deeply attuned to your purpose, bringing passion and meaning into everything you do.

There is a soulful approach to reclaiming your relationship with Time and reigniting your creativity — without rigid schedules or forcing productivity.

Whether you're at the start of a new chapter or deep into your leadership journey,

this framework adapts to you.

Whether you're at the start of a new chapter or deep into your leadership journey, this framework adapts to you.


You need a way to renew your devotion to Time, allowing it to become a friend rather than a force to be controlled.

By tuning into Time’s natural rhythms, you can release the pressure of scarcity and honor your day as it unfolds, creating space for both rest and creation.


You need to recognize and nurture your energy cycles.

This means deeply listening to your body, understanding when you’re naturally most creative or productive, and honoring those cycles. Instead of pushing through, you can trust your body’s wisdom to guide you toward inspired action, creating more meaningful work without burnout.


You need to flow with your creative energy rather than trying to control or structure it.

Creativity isn’t something you can force into boxes. When you create space for unstructured play, exploration, and deep listening, you invite breakthroughs and inspiration that feel aligned with your purpose.


When you embrace Time as your ally, listen to your body’s rhythms, and flow with your creative energy, you become deeply attuned to your purpose, bringing passion and meaning into everything you do.


Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


You need ALL three, because if even one is missing, your ability to generate embodied Flow breaks down...


You have time and energy but can’t find your creative spark, leaving you feeling uninspired and stuck in routine.

You’re flowing creatively, but your energy runs out, leading to burnout and exhaustion before you can bring your vision to life.

You’re energized and ideas are flowing, but there’s never enough time to fully realize them, leaving you overwhelmed and frustrated.


Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Ready to renew your relationship with Time, restore your energy, and tap into creative flow — without the pressure of rigid routines or draining methods?


We're thrilled to introduce you to a holistic, soul-centered approach that permanently transforms your relationship with Time, Energy, and Creative Flow.

Say goodbye to burnout and overwhelm. INTRODUCING…

Time Devotion™ is the daily recalibration toolkit for revolutionary leaders, writers, and creatives who need to renew their relationship with Time,

restore their energy, and tap into creative flow.

Time Devotion™ is the daily recalibration toolkit for revolutionary leaders, writers, and creatives who need to renew their relationship with Time, restore their energy, and tap into creative flow.

Quick & Intuitive!

Get Time Devotion™ integrated into your life in just one day — no fuss, no overwhelm.

Zero Clutter!

Use simple, natural tools (that you already have) to streamline your flow without getting stuck in the chaos.

Flow Activated

Feel the shift immediately as you restore your energy, realign with Time, and spark your creativity.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Here’s how Time Devotion™ transforms your creative process and leadership journey with Ease and Flow...

Number One


Realign your energy with the sacred rhythms of time, creating space for flow and reducing overwhelm and burnout.

Prioritize regenerative practices that nourish your creativity, while still handling day-to-day tasks that keep your life and work in equilibrium.

Liberate yourself from scheduling creative surges or rest periods during times when you’re energetically depleted, and embrace time as a supportive ally for inspiration and flow.

Number Two

THE PROBLEM OF Draining Energy Resources

Identify tasks and habits that aren't aligned with your core values, draining your energy and leaving you feeling disconnected from your passion and purpose.

Stop pushing yourself to maintain energy-draining habits that only serve to burn you out, instead of fueling your creativity and purpose.

Eliminate the guesswork of where your energy is being wasted, and reclaim your vitality by aligning with practices that regenerate and sustain your natural rhythms.

Number Three

THE PROBLEM OF Creative Block and Flow Interruptions

Break free from the patterns that suppress your creative energy, allowing you to move through resistance with ease and reconnect to your natural flow.

Stop forcing creativity into rigid schedules that stifle inspiration—learn how to honor the ebb and flow of your creative process without guilt.

Cultivate a regenerative creative rhythm by building body trust and engaging in practices that align with your intuitive and creative cycles.

Bonus Vibes You Didn’t Know You Needed!

Goodbye to chaos and hello to Flow!

Enjoy sacred time for yourself without guilt

Work at a pace that aligns with your energy and values

Experience more flow and less hustle

Embrace rest without pressure or productivity guilt

Create space for creativity, even on busy days

Recognize and respect your natural cycles and rhythms

Guard your time from distractions and unnecessary commitments

End each day feeling connected to your purpose

Honor your Flow with practices that adapt to your natural rhythms, without pressure for perfection

Free yourself from expensive productivity hacks that don’t honor your process


Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Crafted for ease, here’s a curriculum that lets you immerse yourself in each step, at your own pace:

Guide No 1

Rhythm Reset

In this first module, we'll guide you through the transformative process of realigning your time and energy with your core vision and values. This isn’t just about managing tasks; it's about developing a sacred relationship with time that empowers and renews you. Learn how to attune to the natural rhythms of your body, the lunar phases, and your personal cycles.

What We’ll Work On:

  • Understanding your energy patterns and how they align with time

  • Identifying and removing what drains your energy

  • Creating rituals that honor your unique rhythms

Guide No 2

Restore & Rise

This module dives into practices that regenerate your energy, transforming overwhelm into clarity. You’ll explore how to set healthy boundaries and eliminate the drains that prevent you from embodying your true purpose. Discover how to make time for what matters most by aligning your energy with your deepest values.

What We’ll Work On:

  • Attuning to your body’s signals for rest and action

  • Setting boundaries to protect your energy

  • Creating a personalized energy renewal plan

Guide No 3

Rooted Rhythm

Your body holds immense wisdom, and by tapping into it, you can liberate yourself from stress responses and awaken your creative Flow. In this module, we’ll explore embodiment practices that deepen your connection to yourself and Time, allowing you to move through your days with more ease, creativity, and resilience.

What We’ll Work On:

  • Practicing body awareness and self-compassion

  • Honoring your body's needs through intentional Time devotion

  • Developing body trust to support a natural, consent-based Flow state


Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Plus, you’ll get these valuable bonuses to support your journey with Time Devotion™ even more deeply:

BONUS #1 Burnout Breakthrough

This video will help you identify and decondition societal time traps that keep you stuck in burnout culture. You’ll learn how to release the pressure of productivity and time scarcity and embrace Time as a sacred ally.

This video will help you identify and decondition societal time traps that keep you stuck in burnout culture. You’ll learn how to release the pressure of productivity and time scarcity and embrace Time as a sacred ally.

bonus 1 burnout breakthrough

BONUS #2 101 Creative Unmasking Journal Prompts

Awaken your inner muse with these journaling prompts designed to coax your creativity, align with your authentic voice, and nurture your soul’s passion.

Awaken your inner muse with these journaling prompts designed to coax your creativity, align with your authentic voice, and nurture your soul’s passion.

bonus 2 creative unmasking prompt

BONUS #3 Boundless Vision Daily Action Plan Template

Say goodbye to overwhelm with this daily action plan template, designed to help you stay grounded, focused, and connected to your body and purpose without rigid routines.

Say goodbye to overwhelm with this daily action plan template, designed to help you stay grounded, focused, and connected to your body and purpose without rigid routines.

bonus 3 boundless vision templates
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3 Breezy Guidebooks!

CLASS #1 / Rhythm ResetVALUE $97.00

CLASS #2 / Restore & RiseVALUE $97.00

CLASS #3 / Rooted RhythmVALUE $97.00

Plus Your Rad-up Pack

Bonus #1

Burnout Breakthrough

Valued $77

Bonus #2

101 Creative Unmasking Journal Prompts

Valued $47

Bonus #3

Boundless Vision Daily Action Plan Template

Valued $47

TOTAL VALUE = $462.00

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price Only


You’ve got everything you need to make this yours.

And hey, I’ll be here cheering you on every step of the way.

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, the templates, or the extras within 7 days, I will offer you a full refund.

That means you can enroll today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 7 days to explore the materials and experience the vibe of Time Devotion™ and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

Frequently Asked Questions for Time Devotion™

Is this kit for me if I’m always busy and don’t have much time?

Absolutely. The beauty of Time Devotion™ is that it’s designed to fit into even the busiest schedules. You’ll learn simple, daily recalibration practices that take just a few minutes but have a lasting impact.

What if I’m struggling with burnout? Will this help?

Yes! One of the core components of Time Devotion™ is the Energy Regeneration Guide, which teaches you how to replenish your energy, set boundaries, and prevent burnout.

Do I need any special tools or skills to get started?

Nope! Time Devotion™ is a low-tech, high-impact toolkit that doesn’t require any special tools or prior knowledge. Everything you need to break through creative blocks and align with your purpose is provided.

How long will it take before I see results?

While everyone’s journey is different, many of our users report feeling more balanced, energized, and creatively inspired within just a few days of starting the exercises and practices.

Do I belong here?

Time Devotion™ is for Edgewalkers, Culturemakers, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Writers, Politicians, Activists, BIPOC, Decolonizers, Anti-Racists, Neuro-emergents, 2Spirits, QueerAF, Trans, Enbies, Revolutionaries, Feminists, and Dreamers. This is a FLINTA Space. (Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans, Agender). You belong if you are part of the movement to create the POST-Hegemonic Culture (liberating from the cis + heteronormative, imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy — h/t bell hooks + Laverne Cox).

How is Time Devotion™ Renewal Kit different from other programs that address Time, Energy, and Flow?

Time Devotion™ is crafted as a recalibration toolkit designed to shift your relationship with Time itself — not by forcing rigid schedules or cramming tasks but by aligning your inner rhythms with Time as a supportive ally. The guidebooks, videos, and exercises help you focus on reclaiming energy, building body trust, and rediscovering creative Flow — all the elements that feed into a balanced, inspired life. By the time you're done, you'll feel not only more in sync with your own cycles but genuinely empowered to prioritize what truly matters in your day-to-day life.


Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.

product flat lay

3 Breezy Guidebooks!

CLASS #1 / Rhythm ResetVALUE $97.00

CLASS #2 / Restore & RiseVALUE $97.00

CLASS #3 / Rooted RhythmVALUE $97.00

Plus Your Rad-up Pack

Bonus #1

Burnout Breakthrough

Valued $77

Bonus #2

101 Creative Unmasking Journal Prompts

Valued $47

Bonus #3

Boundless Vision Daily Action Plan Template

Valued $47

TOTAL VALUE = $462.00

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price Only


It's YOUR time to embrace flow and reclaim your energy, fueling your creativity and purpose in every part of your life.

How often have you looked at friends or creators and thought, “How do they find the energy to make everything Flow so beautifully?”

Big mood. I'm right there with you.

Big mood. I'm right there with you.

How many times have you committed to a new routine, only to feel it slipping through your fingers because it didn’t match your natural rhythm?

Yep. I feel that on a soul level.

Or maybe you’ve tried every productivity hack, only to find they left you feeling even more disconnected from your creative Flow.

Somewhere, a “get-your-life-together” influencer sheds a tear.

If any of this sounds familiar, it’s no wonder captialist time management hasn’t resonated with you, or why you're wondering if Time Devotion™ can be different.

Let today be the last day you ever think,

"Why can't I just find my flow with Time and energy?"

Because you've got the tools to change it.

Get Time Devotion™ Renewal Kit

now for only $47 and discover a whole new way to move with Time.

xo Ixchel

product flat lay

3 Breezy Guidebooks!

CLASS #1 / Rhythm ResetVALUE $97.00

CLASS #2 / Restore & RiseVALUE $97.00

CLASS #3 / Rooted Rhythm VALUE $97.00

Plus Your Rad-up Pack

Bonus #1

Burnout Breakthrough

Valued $77

Bonus #2

101 Creative Unmasking Journal Prompts

Valued $47

Bonus #3

Boundless Vision Daily Action Plan Template

Valued $47

TOTAL VALUE = $462.00

Regular Price = $97

Today’s Price Only



Time Devotion™
Time Devotion™

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non augue a dolor convallis lacinia. Aliquam massa mi, consectetur vitae semper vitae, interdum et est. Fusce eget nisl ultrices, efficitur augue sagittis, auctor ipsum.